Why Cantek S431 43″ Widebelt Sander?

  • Combination sanding unit with 5″ rubber contact drum and 2″ wide adjustable sanding platen for a wide range of sanding applications.
  • Accurate digital thickness control with both Inch and Metric settings allows the operator to key in the desired thickness, and the table will automatically move into position
  • Small footprint
  • Variable feed speed for optimal sanding results
  • Electronic belt tracking for optimum belt life and sanding results.
  • Ammeter for load monitoring to ensure the proper amount of material is removed according to the selected grit.
  • Disc brake on the main motor allows for faster belt changes.
  • Pneumatic belt tensioning with quick-release outboard support to facilitate fast belt changes.
  • Table raising jackscrews.
  • Interlocks are located on all access doors.